Sale: 479 / Classics of the 20th Century I, Dec. 08. 2018 in Munich Lot 838


Erich Heckel
Badende am Stein, 1914.
Oil on canvas
€ 500,000 / $ 515,000
€ 625,000 / $ 643,750

(incl. surcharge)
Badende am Stein. 1914.
Oil on canvas.
Hüneke 1914-22. Lower right monogrammed and dated. Verso barely legibly signed and dated. Titled on stretcher. 100 x 67 cm (39.3 x 26.3 in).

PROVENANCE: Private collection Baden-Württemberg.
Lempertz, Cologne, 488th auction, 1966, lot 229 (from aforementioned collection).
Private collection (acquired at aforementioned auction).

EXHIBITION: Erich Heckel, Kestner Gesellschaft Hanover, January 15 - February 25, 1919, no. 30.
Erich Heckel, Kunstsalon Ludwig Schames, Frankfurt am Main, April 1919, no. 24.
Erich Heckel, 70. Geburtstag, Galerie Ferdinand Möller Cologne, September 1953 (without no.).

"Was nutzt uns wissen von dem spiel des lichts
Kristall der form, der farben kreis und deutung
Solang sich nicht vorm pochen unsrer herzen
Das all verdichtet, der lebendige keim
In uns sich doppeln überschiesst ins bild"
Poem "An einen Maler" by Ernst Morwitz, dedicated to Erich Heckel, quote after Andreas Hüneke, Erich Heckel, catalog raisonneé of paintings, murals and sculptures, vol. I, p. 243.

Erich Heckel
Badende am Stein, 1914.
Oil on canvas
€ 500,000 / $ 515,000
€ 625,000 / $ 643,750

(incl. surcharge)