Immanuel Kant
Gedanken von der wahren Schätzung ... 1746.
€ 7,000 / $ 7,210 Sold:
€ 7,800 / $ 8,034 (incl. surcharge)
Kant, I., Gedanken von der wahren Schätzung der lebendigen Kräfte und Beurtheilung der Beweise derer sich Herr von Leibnitz und andere Mechaniker in dieser Streitsache bedient haben, nebst einigen vorhergehenden Betrachtungen welche die Kraft der Körper überhaupt betreffen. With 2 folding copper plates. Königsberg, M. E. Dorn 1746. Late vellum with gilt lettering. 8vo. Titel, 8 ll., pp. 3-240.
Warda 1. - Goedeke V, 2, B1. - Ziegenfuß/Jung I, 614. - Neufforge p. 557. - DSB VII, 226. - Dt. Museum, Libri rari p. 151. - Very rare first edition of Kant's first work , in which he makes an attempt to "settle the dispute between Leibniz, on the one hand, and Descartes and Euler, on the other hand, about whether the forces of moved bodies should be expressed appropriately in the formula mv², that is the product of mass and velocity squared, or in the formula mv, that is the product of mass and simple velocity" (Ziegenfuß/Jung). - The title leaf mentions 1746 as date, however, the last sheets 1749. - Slightly foxed in places, title (browned) and plates somewhat mended and rebacked in places.
Very rare edition of Kant's first work, in which he tries to settle a dispute over the measurement of forces between Leibniz on the one hand and Descartes and Euler on the other. 2 folding engr. plates. Later vellum with gilt lettering. - Partly slightly foxed, title and plates partly repaired.
Warda 1. - Goedeke V, 2, B1. - Ziegenfuß/Jung I, 614. - Neufforge p. 557. - DSB VII, 226. - Dt. Museum, Libri rari p. 151. - Very rare first edition of Kant's first work , in which he makes an attempt to "settle the dispute between Leibniz, on the one hand, and Descartes and Euler, on the other hand, about whether the forces of moved bodies should be expressed appropriately in the formula mv², that is the product of mass and velocity squared, or in the formula mv, that is the product of mass and simple velocity" (Ziegenfuß/Jung). - The title leaf mentions 1746 as date, however, the last sheets 1749. - Slightly foxed in places, title (browned) and plates somewhat mended and rebacked in places.
Very rare edition of Kant's first work, in which he tries to settle a dispute over the measurement of forces between Leibniz on the one hand and Descartes and Euler on the other. 2 folding engr. plates. Later vellum with gilt lettering. - Partly slightly foxed, title and plates partly repaired.
Immanuel Kant
Gedanken von der wahren Schätzung ... 1746.
€ 7,000 / $ 7,210 Sold:
€ 7,800 / $ 8,034 (incl. surcharge)