Johannes de Sacrobosco
Sphaera Mundi, 1499.
€ 6,000 / $ 6,180 Sold:
€ 9,225 / $ 9,501 (incl. surcharge)
Johannes de Sacrobosco
Sphaera mundi. Daran: Johannes Regiomontanus: Contra Cremonensia deliramenta. Daran: Georg Peurbach, Theoricae novae planetarum. Venedig, Simon Bevilaqua, 23. Okt. 1499.
Bedeutende Inkunabelausgabe des astronomischen Grundlagenwerks. Erstmals mit den ausführlichen Kommentaren von Cecco d'Ascoli, Franciscus Capuanus und Jacobus Faber Stapulensis.
Schöner Antiqua-Druck aus der venetianischen Offizin Bevilaquas, zusammengedruckt mit den klassischen Schriften Contra Cremonensia deliramenta von Johannes Regiomontanus sowie Theoricae novae planetarum von Georg Peurbach, "an elementary but thorough textbook of planetary theory .. of great importance .. his models remained the canonical physical description of the structure of the heavens until Tycho disproved the existence of solid spheres" (DSB XV, 475).
"Sacrobosco's fame rests firmly on his De sphaera , a small work based on Ptolemy and his Arabic commentators, published about 1220 and antedating the De sphaera of Grosseteste. It was quite generally adopted as the fundamental astronomy text, for often it was so clear that it needed little or no explanation .. During the Middle Ages the De sphaera enjoyed great renown, and from the middle of the thirteenth century it was taught in all the schools of Europe .. As late as the seventeenth century it was used as basic astronomy text" (DSB XII, 61).
EINBAND: Halblederband des 19. Jahrhunderts mit Rückenschild. 32,5 : 22 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit 1 ganzseitigen Textholzschnitt (Armillarsphäre) und zahlreichen astronomischen Textholzschnitten sowie Holzschnitt-Druckermarke und mehreren teils figürlichen Holzschnitt-Initialen. - KOLLATION: 150 nn. Bll. Rom. Type. 1 und 2 Spalten. 59/60 Zeilen. - ZUSTAND: Wenige Bll. gebräunt. Kanten berieben, Rücken unter Verwendung des alten Materials erneuert. Innen schönes und breitrandiges Exemplar.
LITERATUR: Hain 14125. - GW M14635. - Goff J 419. - BMC V, 524. - BSB I-512. - Polain 2306. - Klebs 874.26. - Sander 6666. - Essling 263. - Ges. f. Typenkunde 2201. - Husung 132.
Important and finely printed incunabulum edition of this "fundamental astronomy text" (DSB), with commentaries by Cecco d'Ascoli, Franciscus Capuanus and Jacobus Faber Stapulensis. Printed together with 2 other astronomical writings, among them the classic "Theoricae novae planetarum" by Georg Peurbach. With numerous woodcuts in text (1 full-page), woodcut printer's device and woodcut initials. 19th cent. half calf with label. - Few leaves browned, edges of binding rubbed, spine renewed using old material. Inside fine copy with broad margins.(R)
Sphaera mundi. Daran: Johannes Regiomontanus: Contra Cremonensia deliramenta. Daran: Georg Peurbach, Theoricae novae planetarum. Venedig, Simon Bevilaqua, 23. Okt. 1499.
Bedeutende Inkunabelausgabe des astronomischen Grundlagenwerks. Erstmals mit den ausführlichen Kommentaren von Cecco d'Ascoli, Franciscus Capuanus und Jacobus Faber Stapulensis.
Schöner Antiqua-Druck aus der venetianischen Offizin Bevilaquas, zusammengedruckt mit den klassischen Schriften Contra Cremonensia deliramenta von Johannes Regiomontanus sowie Theoricae novae planetarum von Georg Peurbach, "an elementary but thorough textbook of planetary theory .. of great importance .. his models remained the canonical physical description of the structure of the heavens until Tycho disproved the existence of solid spheres" (DSB XV, 475).
"Sacrobosco's fame rests firmly on his De sphaera , a small work based on Ptolemy and his Arabic commentators, published about 1220 and antedating the De sphaera of Grosseteste. It was quite generally adopted as the fundamental astronomy text, for often it was so clear that it needed little or no explanation .. During the Middle Ages the De sphaera enjoyed great renown, and from the middle of the thirteenth century it was taught in all the schools of Europe .. As late as the seventeenth century it was used as basic astronomy text" (DSB XII, 61).
EINBAND: Halblederband des 19. Jahrhunderts mit Rückenschild. 32,5 : 22 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit 1 ganzseitigen Textholzschnitt (Armillarsphäre) und zahlreichen astronomischen Textholzschnitten sowie Holzschnitt-Druckermarke und mehreren teils figürlichen Holzschnitt-Initialen. - KOLLATION: 150 nn. Bll. Rom. Type. 1 und 2 Spalten. 59/60 Zeilen. - ZUSTAND: Wenige Bll. gebräunt. Kanten berieben, Rücken unter Verwendung des alten Materials erneuert. Innen schönes und breitrandiges Exemplar.
LITERATUR: Hain 14125. - GW M14635. - Goff J 419. - BMC V, 524. - BSB I-512. - Polain 2306. - Klebs 874.26. - Sander 6666. - Essling 263. - Ges. f. Typenkunde 2201. - Husung 132.
Important and finely printed incunabulum edition of this "fundamental astronomy text" (DSB), with commentaries by Cecco d'Ascoli, Franciscus Capuanus and Jacobus Faber Stapulensis. Printed together with 2 other astronomical writings, among them the classic "Theoricae novae planetarum" by Georg Peurbach. With numerous woodcuts in text (1 full-page), woodcut printer's device and woodcut initials. 19th cent. half calf with label. - Few leaves browned, edges of binding rubbed, spine renewed using old material. Inside fine copy with broad margins.(R)
Johannes de Sacrobosco
Sphaera Mundi, 1499.
€ 6,000 / $ 6,180 Sold:
€ 9,225 / $ 9,501 (incl. surcharge)