Sale: 518 / Art of the 19th Century, June 17. 2021 in Munich Lot 5

Wilhelm Leibl
Bildnis Frau Auguste Mayr, 1891.
Oil on panel
€ 60,000 / $ 66,000
€ 68,750 / $ 75,625

(incl. surcharge)
Bildnis Frau Auguste Mayr. 1891.
Oil on panel.
Waldmann 1914 197. Signed and dated in upper right. Verso with several labels and a dedication written by the artist. 22.2 x 20.5 cm (8.7 x 8 in).
In original frame.
• This masterpeice of Leibl's portrait art was long believed lost.
• Very personal portriat of the wife of Leibl's biographer and friend.
• The portrait of her husband Julius Mayr is part of the collection of the Museum Georg Schäfer, Schweinfurt, which is home of the most important private collection of 19th Century Art.
• Expressive and sensitive depiction in technically varied and masterly observant and yet free painting manner.
• Formerly part of the Collection Max Böhm, which comprised several excellent portraits by Wilhelm Leibl. This work was the highlight when the collection was sold in 1931

PROVENANCE: Collection Dr. Julius nd Auguste Mayr, Rosenheim/Brannenburg am Inn (obtained as present from the artist in 1891 until 1912 the latst).
Art dealer Bernhard B. Heyde, Berlin (1914).
Collection Max Böhm, Berlin (the latest from June 1930 until January 28, 1931, Rudolph Lepke, Berlin, January 28, 1931).
Collection Theodor Johannsen, Wedel (acquired from aforementioned in 1931).
Ever since family-owned.

EXHIBITION: Große Berliner Kunstausstellung, May 1 - September 29, 1895, cat. no. 1003 (with the label).
15th Exhibition of the Berlin Secession, Berlin, 1908, cat. no. 126.
27th Exhibition of the Berlin Secession, Berlin, October to December 1915, cat. no. 99 (with illu.).
Collection Max Böhm, Prussian Academy of Arts, Berlin, June-July 1930, cat. no. 17.

LITERATURE: Dr. Julius Mayr, Wilhelm Leibl. Sein Leben und sein Schaffen, Berlin 1906, p. 116 (with illu. on p. 121).
Alfred Lichtwark, Briefe an die Kommission für die Verwaltung der Kunsthalle (volume 2), published by Gustav Pauli, Hamburg 1923, p. 475 (letter from November 30, 1912: presumably offered by Heyde to the Kunsthalled Hamburg).
Julius Mayr, W. Leibls Bildnisse des Herrn und der Frau Dr. Mayr, in: Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst, Neue Folge, 24th year 1913, pp. 113-115 (with illu. on p. 115).
M. Eisenstadt, Vorbericht zur Auktion Sammlung Max Böhm, in: Kunst und Künstler, year 29, issue 4, January 1, 1931, p. 176.
Max Bøhms samling af det 19. aarhundredes førende tyske kunstnere, in: Samleren: kunsttidskrift, no. 4, April 1931, p. X.
Rudolph Lepke's Kunst-Auctions-Haus Berlin, Sammlung Max Böhm. Mit Vorwort von Dr. Max Osborn, sale on January 28, 1931, no. 17.
Neuere deutsche Gemälde. Ihre Bewertung auf der Versteigerung Böhm, Preisberichte, Auktion Rudolf Lepke Sammlung Max Böhm, in: Weltkunst, year V, no. 5, February 1, 1931, pp. 2, 6.
Ventes étrangères, Collection Max Böhm, in: Beaux-arts, 8ème année, February 1, 1931, p. 9.
Alfred Langer, Wilhelm Leibl, Leipzig 1961, p. 76.
Götz Czymmek (editor), Wilhelm Leibl zum 150. Geburtstag, Heidelberg 1994, p. 398.
Klaus-Joachim Klose, Dr. Julius Mayr, in: Walter Leicht (editor), Rosenheim wird Stadt - Die goldenen Jahre 1864-1914, Rosenheim 2014, p. 133.
"Now and then I paint a la prima portraits of my few acquaintances in one or two days; they are surely my best accomplishments."
Wilhelm Leibl to Kayser, November 3, 1890.

Wilhelm Leibl
Bildnis Frau Auguste Mayr, 1891.
Oil on panel
€ 60,000 / $ 66,000
€ 68,750 / $ 75,625

(incl. surcharge)