Sale: 433 / Post War I, June 11. 2016 in Munich Lot 971

Walter Stöhrer
Figuren, 1985.
Mixed media on canvas
€ 30,000 / $ 33,000
€ 38,750 / $ 42,625

(incl. surcharge)
Figuren. 1985.
Mixed media on canvas.
Forstbauer/Merkert/Kunisch/Behrens 85.5. Signed and dated upper left. Verso once more signed and dated as well as titled, inscribed and with an arrow indicating the direction. Once more signed, dated, titled and with the studio address on the fragmentarily preserved artist label. 200 x 250 cm (78.7 x 98.4 in).

PROVENANCE: Galerie Meyer-Ellinger, Frankfurt a. Main.
Private collection Frankfurt.

EXHIBITION: Walter Stöhrer: Bilder 1961-1988, Berlinische Galerie, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Photographie und Architektur im Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin 16 February - 16 April 1989.

For the first time in the early 1960s the process-related character of Stöhrer's pictorial style becomes an intuitive and necessary part of the image development within his works. “As soon as I find a subject I stick to it” (quote from: Christiane Vielhaber, Walter Stöhrer, Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, p. 6).This means that Stöhrer prefers operating simultaneously on several paintings and thereby developing thematic cycles. The spontaneous element is central within Stöhrer's production process. Painting becomes action. We don't find any ornamental patterns in his pictures. Everything is expression and gesture of the artist. Thereby his dream worlds (or rather nightmares) elude any form of interpretation and the attempt to approach it seems to succeed only by using metaphorical comparisons. In fact, the titles of his work are the only elements pointing to the reality of an artistic existence and to a creative process guided both by reason and emotion.

Walter Stöhrer
Figuren, 1985.
Mixed media on canvas
€ 30,000 / $ 33,000
€ 38,750 / $ 42,625

(incl. surcharge)