Sale: 359 / Rare Books including Marine Art, Nov. 16./17. 2009 in Hamburg Lot 13

Confessio Augustana - Confessio Augustana .1531

Confessio Augustana
Confessio Augustana .1531
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750
€ 3,720 / $ 4,092

(incl. surcharge)
Confessio Augustana. - [Confessio fidei exhibita invictiss. Imp. Carolo V. Caesari Aug. in Comicijs Augustae. Anno MDXXX. Addita est Apologia Confeßionis]. With 1 woodcut title border (of 2). Wittenberg, G. Rhau 1531. Later brown calf on three bands with gilt-tooled border on title as well as gilt-tooled armorial centrepiece of the Nuremberg patrician dynasty Kreß von Kressenstein, with gilt-tooled monogram "C[hristoph] K[ress] A K[ressenstein]", and date "1531". 8vo. 35 (of 36) unnumb. ll. (last blank), 64 numb., 123 unnumb. ll.
Neuser 11. - VD 16, 4709. - Second edition. - The fundamental denominational writing of the protestant church, draft by Melanchthon and signed by the then most important rulers and cities.

Copy from the ownership of the Nuremberg patrician family Kreß von Kressenstein. - Christoph Kreß von Kressenstein (1484-1535), first captain and council of war of the Suebian Federation in the Peasant War, signed the Confessio Augustana together with Clemens Volckamer as the representative of the city of Nuremberg on the Diet of Augsburg. With the impression of the signatories on verso of leaf e3, amongst it the "Senatus Magistratusq(ue) Nurnbergensis" and the "Senatus Reutlingensis", with ms. marginal entries "Christoph: Kress" and "Jodocus Weis". An engr. portrait of Kress inserted (somewhat trimmed) as well as the copper plate behind the preface, showing the participants of the Diet of Augsburg, among them also Kress. - Pastedowns with mounted orig. feather drawing by the Nuremberg drawer Wolf Eisenmann (died in 1616), monogrammed "WE", it shows the portrait of the Nuremberg councilman and Franconian council of war Hieronymus Kreß von Kressenstein (1546-1596), known for his war diary from 1571-1576. - Rear pastedown with large engr. armorial ex-libris by Christoph Hieronymus Kreß von Kressenstein, dated 1654 (not mentioned by Warnecke).

Lacking title leaf (skillfully replaced by feather drawing on vellum, probably by W. Eisenmann) and last blank leaf. With old marginalia in places (trimmed). Binding rubbed in places. Fine copy. - Several additions on the Confessio Augustana and on the history of the Kreß family among them 2 engr. armorial bookplates.
Second edition of the basic profession of faith. Copy from the possession of the Nuremberg patrician family Kress von Kressenstein. Christoph Kreß von Kressenstein (1484-1535), was first captain of the Suebian Federation in the Peasant War, signed the Confessio Augustana on the Diet of Augsburg. With the impression of the signatories on verso of leaf e3. With 1 woodcut title border (of 2). Later brown calf on three bands with gilt-tooled border on title as well as gilt-tooled armorial centrepiece of the Nuremberg patrician dynasty Kreß von Kressenstein, with gilt-tooled monogram. Pastedowns with mounted orig. feather drawing by the Nuremberg drawer Wolf Eisenmann, monogrammed "WE", rear pastedown with large engr. armorial ex-libris by Christoph Hieronymus Kreß von Kressenstein, dated 1654 (not mentioned by Warnecke). - Lacking title leaf (skillfully replaced by feather drawing on vellum, probably by W. Eisenmann) and last blank leaf. With old marginalia in places (trimmed). Binding rubbed in places. Fine copy. - Several additions on the Confessio Augustana and on the history of the Kreß family among them 2 engr. armorial bookplates.

Confessio Augustana
Confessio Augustana .1531
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750
€ 3,720 / $ 4,092

(incl. surcharge)