Sale: 22 / Online Sale, June 11. 2023 Lot 123000373

Emy Roeder
Ziegenpaar (Zwei ruhende Ziegen (Bock und Geiß)), 1965.
€ 7,000 / $ 7,700
€ 9,906 / $ 10,896

(incl. surcharge)
Ziegenpaar (Zwei ruhende Ziegen (Bock und Geiß)). Um 1965.
Bronze with brown patina.
Not in Gerke. With the monogram and an illegible date (65?) on the plinth. One of three copies. 14 x 31 x 24 cm (5.5 x 12.2 x 9.4 in).
Gerke mentions the drawing "Zwei ruhende Ziegen (Bock und Geiß)" under the number 538, which shows exactly the same animal group as does our bronze. Before the execution of the sculpture, Emy Roeder made drawings of the motif, so that the mold was only made after many many drawings and perhaps even only after a few years. In the abovementioned drawing made during a stay in Castel San Pietro, the composition's focus is quite evident. The group of animals does not focus on the twist of the figures but on their parallelism, of both the individual figure as well as of the group. Another copy with a clearly darker patina from the artist's estate is at the Musem Kulturspeicher, Würzburg.
• Emy Roeder is one of the most important German female sculptors of the 20th century.
• She was represented with a wooden sculpture at the first Documenta exhibition.
• One of her sculptures was part of the spectacular trove "Entarteter Kunst" at the Rote Rathaus in Berlin in 2010.
• In 2020 the Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin, honored the artist with the exhibition "Emy Roeder. Das Kosmische allen Seins"

We are grateful to the Museum Kulturspeicher, Würzburg, for the kind support in cataloging this lot.

PROVENANCE: Private collection Southern Germany.

In good condition. A slight linear rubbing (20 mm) on the back of the goat that's looking up.

Emy Roeder
Ziegenpaar (Zwei ruhende Ziegen (Bock und Geiß)), 1965.
€ 7,000 / $ 7,700
€ 9,906 / $ 10,896

(incl. surcharge)