Sale: 439 / Modern Art II, Dec. 08. 2016 in Munich Lot 122

Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen
Studie für Wandbild I (Stilleben mit Buddha-Masken und Mappen), 1923.
Oil on panel
€ 10,000 / $ 11,000
€ 9,375 / $ 10,312

(incl. surcharge)
Studie für Wandbild I (Stilleben mit Buddha-Masken und Mappen). 1923.
Oil on panel.
Hans 64. Hans/Buchholz-Maetzel 64. 21.9 x 98 cm (8.6 x 38.5 in).
In 1923 Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen received a commission to male four large murals for the large lecture hall of the Kunsthalle in Hamburg. The works were executed in 1923 and 1924. This work is one of the drafts. [EH].

With an expertise by Jan Buchholz from 10 October 2011 (in copy).

PROVENANCE: Galerie Capriola, Großostheim-Ringheim.
Private collection Baden-Württemberg.

LITERATURE: Karin von Behr, Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen. Leben und Werk. Nachlese, Hamburg 2016, p. 46 (with illu.).

The sketches for the murals at the Hamburg Kunsthalle already deliver proof of the artist's feel for the unusual format. The frieze-like composition already hints at the later usage. Depicted items suggest an examination of Asian of African culture: two Buddha masks, a slightly opened black wooden case from the Kongo with carvings and a colorful bast blanket from Central Africa. Johanna Maetzel-Johannsen follows the tradition of library decorations with motifs from global knowledge and the occupation with exotic civilizations.

Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen
Studie für Wandbild I (Stilleben mit Buddha-Masken und Mappen), 1923.
Oil on panel
€ 10,000 / $ 11,000
€ 9,375 / $ 10,312

(incl. surcharge)