Sale: 296 / Rare Books, Nov. 21./22. 2005 Lot 591

Alexandre Laborde - Voyage de L

Alexandre Laborde
Voyage de L'Espagne, 4 Bde., 1806.
€ 5,000 / $ 5,500
€ 19,040 / $ 20,944

(incl. surcharge)
Laborde, A. de, Voyage pittoresque et historique de l'Espagne. 2 in 4 Bdn.Mit gest. Titel, 4 gest. Titelvignetten, 2 doppelblattgr. Kupferkarten und 272 Kupfertafeln. Paris, P. Didot l'Aine 1806-20.HLdr. d. Zt. mit RVerg. Imp.-Folio.
Palau 128975. - Vicaire IV, 742. - Monglond VII, 243. - Millard Coll. 83. - Ornamentstich-Slg. Berlin 2769. - Erste Ausgabe. - Prachtvolles monumentales Ansichten- und Reisewerk über Spanien, das ursprünglich in 48 Lieferungen erschien. - "Laborde chose Spain as his subject, not only because of his firsthand knowledge of the country, but because it was one of the least-known regions to that date, with a variety of monuments, an interesting history, rich natural resources, and a strong cultural inheritance ... Laborde began his studies accompanied by a 'troop' of draftsmen who travelled with him to all the ancient cities throughout the Spanish peninsula. They sketched and measured Arab monuments and buildings of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and classified his collection methodically by province, period, style, and influence. The results ... are a monumental, comprehensive, encyclopedic report, in which are recorded many monuments that now have disappeared ... The high quality engravings cover a range of subjects ... The detailed records of architecture, antiquities ... are of much archaeological value." (Millard Coll. S. 219f.) - Die Tafeln mit zahlr. Städteansichten (darunter Guadeloupe, Toledo, Vallaloid, Sevilla, Granada, Valencia, Varcelona, Madrid und Cordoba), Plänen, Kostümdarstellungen und Genreszenen, antiken Gebäuden, Ausgrabungen u. a. - Ohne das Porträt des "Prince de la Paix", dem spät. Ferdinand VII. von Spanien, dem das Werk gewidmet ist. Etwas stockfl., wenige Tafeln mit kl. Randeinriß oder Wasserrand, einige Textbll. mit Nadelspuren im Rand, 2 Tafeln mit Quetschfalte in der Darstellung. Einbde. leicht berieben und beschabt, Rücken verfärbt, 1 Außengelenk eingerissen.First edition of the monumental work. Engr. title, 4 engr. title vignettes, 2 doublepage engr. maps and 272 engr. plates with numerous views of Spanish towns, buildings and landscapes, architecture, costumes, people etc. Contemp. half calf with gilt spines. Lacking the engr. portrait of Ferdinand VII. of Spain. - Somewhat foxing, few plates with small marginal tear or waterstaining, some text leaves with tiny wholes in the margins, 2 plates with printer's crease in the illustration. Bindings slightly rubbed and scraped, spines faded, 1 outer joint torn.

Alexandre Laborde
Voyage de L'Espagne, 4 Bde., 1806.
€ 5,000 / $ 5,500
€ 19,040 / $ 20,944

(incl. surcharge)