* 384 v. Chr. in Stageira/Makedonien 322 v. Chr. Chalkis/Euböa
Art movement: Old Masters.
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The philosopher and natural researcher Aristotle was born in Stageira, Macedonia in 382 B.C.E. Because of his origins, he was referred to as "the Stagarite." Aristotle's father was a personal physician at the court of King Amuntas II of Macedonia. In 367 B.C. at the age of 17, Aristotle entered Plato's academy in Athens and studied there for the next 20 years. He then accepted the call of the tyrant (simply "ruler") Hermias of Atarneus in Asia Minor. The scholar married the niece of the city's prince Pytias and established a school in Atarneus. On the order of King Philipp II of Macedonia, Aristotle taught his son, Alexander (soon to be) the Great. Aristotle left Athens in 323 B.C. He fled to Chalcis in Euboea, the birthplace of his mother, where he died in 322 B.C.
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