Sale: 518 / Art of the 19th Century, June 17. 2021 in Munich Lot 65


Karl Hagemeister
Sanddornstrauch an der Meeresküste, 1914.
Oil on canvas
€ 25,000 / $ 25,750
€ 105,000 / $ 108,150

(incl. surcharge)
Sanddornstrauch an der Meeresküste. 1914.
Oil on canvas.
Warmt G 534. Signed and dated in lower right. Verso of the stretcher with hand-written number and old labels. 137 x 93 cm (53.9 x 36.6 in).

• Hagemeister increases the intenisty of the color through the complementary contrasts of the bright orange-red seaberry and the green foliage.
• Made during a stay in Lohme on the island of Rügen
• Technically fascinating execution with brush and palette knife

PROVENANCE: From the artist's estate.
Collection of Margarethe Schweitzer, Brandenburg/Havel.
Aer dealer Seidel und Sohn, Berlin.
Private collection Berlin.

LITERATURE: Hendrikje Warmt, Karl Hagemeister. In Reflexion der Stille, Berlin 2016, p. 47 (with illu.).

Karl Hagemeister
Sanddornstrauch an der Meeresküste, 1914.
Oil on canvas
€ 25,000 / $ 25,750
€ 105,000 / $ 108,150

(incl. surcharge)